
About Primal Bites

Welcome to my blog and thanks for stopping by!  First a little about me:  I am a Registered Nurse interested in preventative medicine,  holistic care and the overall health and well-being for my patients, family, friends, and myself.  Primal Bites was designed to advocate for basic whole-food-cooking and to inspire others to experiment with healthy natural foods in their own kitchens.  By sharing my fondest recipes and most interesting food experiments with friends and family across the world, I hope that you will find them interesting, inspiring, and (of course) delicious.  

As an avid researcher, passionate paleo cook, aspiring aromatherapist, active mother, working Registered Nurse, and self proclaimed hippie, I have found health starts with the most basic of things:  Eating.  

I know gluten free and paleo living has changed my life as well as the lives of my friends and family.  The most amazing thing that paleo living has done for my family is to put their autoimmune diseases (multiple sclerosis & rheumatoid arthritis) into remission.  Remission!  Instead of boring you with my stories I will let you experience it for yourself.  


Liz Rendon, RN

Primal Bites Facebook Page
My sister blog Aroma Nurse  
My DoTerra Essential Oils Wellness Store